Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Writer's Heart

I have been attempting to write another book and in this attempt I have been doing research on how to get published by a company who will pay for my book. This is not an easy thing to do as a writer with little exposure. While I do have one book published in the eyes of publishers I am still a newbie, waiting for that first great hit.
This research has led me to a couple of conclusions, one being that even a person who is not a great writer can get published. The other being that even though self published my story was good enough to get passed on to other mediums. This research led me to find that not every self published author ends up on IBooks or Barnes and Noble EBook. The books are screened before they make it and some never do. Shameless plug for my book Earning Her Wings.

I was about 17 years old when I wrote the story, I still had yet to experience so much of what life was about. I understood what it was the story needed but my life's experience had not caught up with my writing yet. I always knew in a good story you need conflict and something to make the reader keep guessing. I would weave twists and turns into the story, knowing for every tear, every hurt that the character felt it would create a bond with the reader.
I had a difficult time writing for many years, and even now I struggle with it some days. My struggle now is because I want perfection in all that I write. I want the reader to experience it, to live in this world I have created.

"My bursting heart must find vent at my pen." Abigail Adams
My favorite quote, it is something that not everyone can understand and even as I sit and write this blog I can feel it. There is a wonder to the world of a writer that surpasses all other. It's not about daydreaming or myth, it's about the love of the story. The joy of someone being captivated by what burns in your heart.

I'm excited about what the next book will bring, despite or perhaps because of what I have been through I have found my voice. It is stronger, louder, and clearer than ever before. The passion that flows through my fingers seeps onto the page and into each character.
While I may never achieve the notoriety of JK Rowling or Stephanie Meyer, I will write for any who will read it. My hope is not one day to become an author whose book is made into a movie or who makes Oprah's top ten list. I write because I must, because it is necessary for my survival, so I can be myself. Dreams of fame and fortune have faded, my books and my words are my legacy. 

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