Sunday, November 27, 2011

Live Genuinely

This week I got to teach youth impromptu and it turned out that God knows what you need even before you get there. Our main theme has been about being a Christian in High School. This is not an easy task, anyone who has been through it knows this is true. Being a Christian in the "Real World" is not an easy task either. The main concern about being a Christian in high school is the fear of being left out or alone. You want to fit in and be like everyone else. This caused me to issue a challenge to the students this week. I challenged them all to endeavor to live genuinely this week.
The challenge makes sense, be who you are, don't change because you are at home, church, school, etc. Be you, do not change for the circumstances or people around you. This challenge of course brings about personal reflection. How genuinely do I live every day? Do I act the same way at church that I do at work? Do I act the same way at home as when I'm out with other people? The challenge issued now is not only for them but me as well.
This challenge is simple enough and I will endeavor to live genuinely. I hope that I live that way already but I haven't really consciously thought about it. So this week I will make it my thought, and my goal. At the end of the week I want to see how differently I've lived. 

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