Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I was here

I found a song that I just fell in love with. I was Here by Beyonce. "I lived, I loved I was here, I did, I've done. I will leave my mark so everyone will know I was here." We all want our lives to be remembered. The thought of being forgotten when we pass from this world is not something that appeals to anyone. As I listen to the song it makes me think not of people remembering me for what I have done. It's true, I'm human and want to be remembered. I want to know that my life made a difference in someone else's but there is something that should be much more important to me.
At the end of my life, I want to know that people saw Jesus in me. The memory that I want people to have is not just of me but how I lived. "I will leave my mark so everyone will know I was here." The mark of my life, what could I do really that would leave a mark so permanent that I will be remembered? There is nothing I could do on my own to create a mark that large in the world. I'm not Beyonce or some superstar, I'm just a regular girl. 
"The hearts that I touch will be the proof that I leave." My goal this week to live genuinely I think only inspires me to touch hearts. Once again my ordinary life doesn't do anything great to touch the masses. I can't travel to different countries and help in orphanages and hospitals. I don't sing songs that make people cry.  It's a difficult thing to think about when you want to leave your mark on the world. I was the child that just wanted to be famous and be remembered for ages but my motives have changed. I don't want to be remembered for being famous.
"When I leave this world I leave no regrets." It is common to have regrets in life, we all make mistakes and do something we are not proud of. No regrets is being able to rise above it and use it for good. I have made mistakes, I could wallow in self pity but I don't. I take it and I see what it could of done to my life and what it did. I am stronger now, so I hold no regrets because of my mistakes I can make a difference in someone's life. 
"Gave my all, did my best." The only thing I can do is my best, to follow God each day and live the way He wants me too. That is the only way I can make the impact that she sings about. As my pastor says it's the power of one. One by one, won by One, when you make a difference in one person's life they will in turn make a difference in someone else's life. Each person makes a difference and while no one may know that it started with you it doesn't really matter because at the end of my life I want to have no regrets, I want to know that I did my best to live for God and not for me.

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