Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The best things in life

I spent some time re-evaluating what is the most important to me. It was kind of like an audit on where I was spending my time and I found it wasn't going where I wanted it too. I know that I have enough time in my day to do the things that matter the most but the question is do I really do them?
My biggest foe seemed to be Facebook, so I took a break. It took over a week to stop mentally Facebook status posting. There are far too many things to do in this world that do not involve Facebook. It is one of the many things that like others we must remember in moderation. I love to stay updated with my family and friends and I feel connected on Facebook. I found that there is a false sense of friendship on Facebook. I have a number of friends, but the number that took the time to share with me off of Facebook was surprisingly low. Does that say something about me as a friend?
What did I fill my time with? I found that I was missing out on great opportunities with my kids. I am making this summer one that is full of memories. I look forward to what fun we are going to have. It's about having fun and making memories. I want my kids to have memories of mom that don't involve her going to work. I want to make memories that they can share with their kids. I want to have memories of them when they are young and the fun that we had together.
I found that this time without Facebook was better for my writing than any other time. It's been a long time since I've actually written new material and I've been able to start a book. I found the words pouring out of me and that was so inspiring. I don't know how long it will take to finish this book, for me it's the first one that I'm dedicated to getting into the hands of a publisher. It's a big step for me but as my dad says, "The worst they can say is no." That is what I hold onto when I take each step, if I do nothing then it's the same as a no, one day they will say yes.
The other thing I discovered was time for me. It's not an easy thing to do as a single mom but it's necessary. I love my kids but there is a time when I have to do things on my own. It's a journey that I'm learning to take. I learned that I love my life. I have a great support network, a great job, wonderful kids, and freedom. Freedom to do all the things that matter the most. Free to spend the time with my kids, free to spend my own time, and free to write.
There is something amazing about sitting down and watching the words flow through your pen to the paper. I tried to write using the computer and typing it up, it's not the same. It's the right pen, the notebook paper, and the moment. These things are the best things in life. In a way I could say my life is simple, I don't ask for much because I already know I have the best. 

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