Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Most of those who know me, know that I am a single mother. When my children were born I never imagined I would be in this position. Some think that life would be easy not having a person to answer to and you can do as you please. As the case may be I can choose what kind of furniture and dishes I have and how I decorate my house. I am able to dress the way I like without any comment on dressing up or down.
There are the differences though, it's not easy to do much of anything around the house. I try and clean and I have two children trying to help, creating more of a mess than cleaning. Homework, laundry and dishes, these are the things that never end. Yard work, house work, grocery shopping, things I used to take for granted have become prolonged tasks.
Being a mom is a full time job on it's own and there are more than enough things to do when you are mom and dad. I've been fortunate to have my family to help me out but I still feel the pressure. It's the everyday mundane that can be stressful. I love watching my kids grow, playing with them, teaching them. They are so full of curiosity and want to know all that I can teach them. They are still children though, and intelligent conversation doesn't go much further than what happened in school or what the doll is doing. My very talkative 3 year old still cannot have a conversation about a good book or a movie.
It's exhausting, at the end of the day I welcome sleep, the days that I get it. There are no sick days, no time off, it's every day. I do the best that I can for my kids. I want to do right by them and it makes every decision I make a hard one.
I go to church to help others and I work with the youth because that is where my heart is at. I go to work to provide for my children and I love my job but hate to spend so much time away from my children. I go to school because I want to make a better life for my kids and show them how important an education is.
So my decision to continue school is a difficult one. I am only two classes away from my Nutrition certificate and after that 7 classes away from my associates. I have finished two-third's of it and to quit now would be pointless. I have dedicated all this time of my life to a goal and I need to finish it. It hasn't been easy and no one said that graduating college would be easy.
I have been able to maintain good grades all this time and I know that I can continue it. I may not graduate with a 4.0 but it doesn't matter as long as I graduate. It's hard to say that because I want to do my best and be the best. I have to let that go, I don't want to be mediocre but I have to put my priorities straight.
I saw a post on pinterest a while back about choosing between a social life and good grades. It's kind of true, there are sacrifices you have to make to get good grades. So once again I hit the books and disappear for a few months. I may come out once in a while but this is the example that I set for my children. I value my education and theirs. I'm almost there I can do it, and when I do I can help them.

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