Friday, January 20, 2012

Your bill has been paid

The waitress came up to me and the words out of her mouth baffled me. "Your bill has been taken care of." It took me a moment to process that I owed nothing for the lunch I had partaken of. First I tried to guess who might have done this kind act, second I wanted to know if there was someone that I could help, thirdly I cried. There are not many things in this world that leads me to tears.
The simple act of paying my bill may have just been something that seemed like the right thing to do. Little did they know that this act profoundly impacted my day, maybe even my life. How could this simple act affect my life in such a huge way? It was merely the acceptance of this gift, this blessing. We often brush off compliments or tell someone, it's okay I got it. I personally would rather give than accept. This gift gave me no choice. I was blessed by someone and I couldn't repay them, I couldn't thank them, there was nothing I could do but accept it.
I tell you this story not to take away from the blessing that person deserves but it reached deeper. I thought of how I struggled to accept this small gift. That someone would care enough to say, "See that mom with the two kids, I want to pay her bill." It was done without me, over my head and it was placed in front of me and all I had to do was accept it. My first inclination was to give it back, but how could I? This person paid for my lunch so I could be blessed.
The acceptance of it brought me to a whole new meaning and understanding. It's like when God put the gift of his Son in front of us. It's already been paid, we had no choice in the matter, it was already done. We accept that fact that Jesus loves us and died on the cross for us, but how often do we think about the price he paid. He paid our bill, took our sins, and gave us no option to undo it. He wants to bless us, for us to just accept the gift that has been given.
I am so overwhelmed by the kindness that I have tears even as I write this. You never know how an act of kindness can change someone's day. I write this so I won't forget the kindness or the feeling. Accept the blessing and don't be afraid to do something good, it may change a life.

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