Monday, December 6, 2010

The Beginning

This is my first blog, I wasn't sure I could do a blog but here I am. I hesitated starting a blog because I thought the point of having a blog is someone hearing what you have to say. It has been requested of me to start a blog because some people like to hear what I have to say. I can't say that I am brilliant or that what I say is new and amazing. I have come up with a few good things however and that is what seems to draw people in.
This blog is not only a new step for me but a new starting point in my life. I am starting over on my own. I have had 8 years of my life being a mess and it is finally getting straightened out. I did not realize the chaos I had been through until I looked back. If I had truly seen the chaos I think I would have run much sooner. I did not however, I stayed and I lived a life that wasn't me. It was only recently that I began to live a life that is me. I am finding out who I am and in the process showing the world who I am.
First and foremost I am a Christian, I will not lie about it and I won't hide it. I read my bible at work, I carry it in my purse. I vowed that I would live my life and not be ashamed of the gospel of truth. I quote scripture and I memorize it because it has given me peace in my life that cannot be found anywhere else. It is written all over my Facebook and my life, it's part of who I am.
Secondly and very important I am a mother. I love my children and I strive to be a better mother every day. It's not always easy but I want to be the mom that they remember. I want them to remember that I love them. I want to show them the world and give them every opportunity I can. They mean the world to me, as my son and I say, "I love you more than air." I couldn't breathe without them in my life.
Third, I am a student, I go to school just over part time but not full time. I want to give my kids the best and I can't do that without a degree so I am pursuing a degree that has become close to my heart. Personal Training and Nutrition. 
My picture that you see now is pretty and thin. This was not always the case and it's truly how my restart began.Two years ago I weighed 228 pounds and was wearing a size 20. It wasn't until God got a hold of my life that things started to change. Every step of it was with his help and I can't say it enough. I have many people ask me how I did it and I have to say it was God. There is no magic pill, no quick fix, it was God and the only way to know it is to have it in your life.
I tell everyone this only because in order for people to understand where I am you have to see where I have come from and being overweight/obese is a big part of my life because for 5 years it was my life. I lived it every day. For those who just see the skinny girl when they look at me you have to know there is so much more. I have been in those shoes, I didn't want to look in the mirror, I didn't want to try on clothes. I did everything to hide my body.
I ate away my emotions, I didn't want to face what was going on in my life. It wasn't until I stopped eating them away that I was able to face them. I was able to see what was happening in my life. Eating was not the only danger to my life. Toxicity, when something poisons you. I was being poisoned, the life was being drained out of me and I didn't even realize what was happening until I started getting it back.
For the first time in many years I was able to stand up for myself and what I believed. It has been over 6 months and I am getting stronger every day. I have been slowly coming back to health, back to life. There is a new light in my eyes. I can breathe, I can speak, I have a voice, I have an opinion. It really doesn't matter how many read this blog because all that matters is that God has given me a voice that I am going to use. 

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