Thursday, December 12, 2013

The rest of my life

Today is the first day of the rest of your life, it wasn't really a phrase I understood until now. The future before is a blank slate, an opportunity for us to start all over again. Whatever we did before was in the past and it cannot be changed. We can only do so much about what is before us. I have spent many years of my life thinking about my past and the things I did wrong and how I would right the wrongs. The problem is there is no fixing it. I can't change my future by changing my past. I can only work to live my life differently.

Living life differently is not easy, it goes against everything that we are ingrained to do. We want to live a certain way, enjoy the finer things of life and high points that living for God does not always allow for.  I'm not saying that living for God requires you to live in a box or that you can't have a good life or nice things. What it comes down to is what you are called too. We are each called to our own path, each one different in its own way. You have your own path to walk and I have mine. No two people can or ever will have the exact same path.

I got into a conversation that made me realize that we all have our own things we are dealing with. We can't wish someone else's life onto our own or say that we can understand it.  I wish that life was that easy, that I had someone who could tell me how to deal with everything I'm going through, but no one can. The only option is to turn to the Bible and pray that God will guide us.  Last night in a search for some answers I came across a simple verse. It wasn't much and it was not even anything that on a given day would be spectacular. Psalm 143:10 Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.

My life's calling is my own, I work full time, live with my parents, have great friends, homeschool, attend church, homeschool, and write. I have enough on my plate to make a normal person crazy is what I've been told and my job doesn't help much. It's a full time job, plus. I live with the choices that I make every day. They are my own and no one else's. I have always chosen to be different, to go against the grain. That has not always worked out for me. I can't guarantee that the choices I make are going to work out for the best. I can only make choices that are lined up with the word of God and go from there. Live uprighteously. What does that really mean? Taking each day a moment at a time and when we are wrong promptly admitting it. I know that I will never be perfect. I can never live my life in a way that will be 100% of exactly what God has called us to. We are all human and will make mistakes.

Thank God for grace, for forgiveness, for peace. It's not easy being a Christian in this crazy world. I thank God for the support, the people he has placed in my life and the joy that they bring me. I wouldn't be where I am without my family and friends. Thank God for all he has done in my life and that each  day I can keep moving forward.

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