Friday, August 28, 2015

Beauty in the Storm

I have had this blog on my mind for over a week, but the time to sit down and write it has been hard to find. I found that there are some moments in life that you shouldn't let pass you by. I know that not everyone understands the way I love storms, unless they live in Arizona.
On my way to work the other day I was driving into a storm. The dark night was momentarily lit up by the lightning that ran across the sky. I could see the clouds as if it were day with the light behind it. Each time the sky lit up it was a different area of cloud. The white and gray vanished into the night as soon as the lightning disappeared. The outline of each cloud, the unpredictability of lightning was indescribable. I tried to pull over and take a picture but I couldn't manage to get it for that split second.
I was unable to capture that moment and it stayed with me all day. I went home and all I could think about when I drove home was that storm. The drive home became a whole new part of my story. I captured a rainbow as I drove. The light of it was beautiful, and I smiled as I drove. It only got better, since I had a long drive home I passed the first rainbow.  I was in awe when I drove up on another rainbow, it was more beautiful and brighter than the first one. Then I caught a glimpse of another one right behind it. Now I was in shock and awe, it's not very often you see a double rainbow. I drove for a little while and then I caught a glimpse of another rainbow. With all the rainbows around I didn't know what was going on. Then behind it was another one, another double rainbow. I couldn't believe my eyes.
Then I saw it, the two double rainbows were really one double rainbow. It was so large it was hard to see it all. The wave of emotion passed over me and I admired the beauty. It made me think of what the rainbow really stood for, it's God's promise. He promised that no matter what the storm brings He promises not to drown us. How amazing is that, the storm may rage all around us, but at the end is a rainbow.
This rainbow followed me all the way home and I couldn't help but relish in the awesomeness of God who brought this all about. The gift of a rainbow is more than just prisms of life, it's a promise. I'm going to hold on to the promise. 

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