Sunday, January 30, 2011

A purpose driven life

I was feeling sad today and I was not sure what was the matter. It took me some time but in prayer service tonight I realized what it was. My work schedule has me working Friday through Monday for a month and I will be missing church and Friday night recovery. It seems like such an odd thing to be upset over but I was. Now that I have realized it I feel so much better.
It will be hard not seeing my church family and missing my favorite services. It makes me review where I am in my walk with God. Someone said tonight that I have been blessed with this job and it's so true. It took a lot to get this job and I just kept doing the next right thing and here I have been blessed with it. God has placed me in it for such a time as this. It's not an easy job and I could work any day at any time and I just have to go with it.
This will be a new adventure and I don't know where my life will lead but today I have a new desire in my life. It might seem weird that right now I would want another thing on my plate but it's what is in my heart. I am not sure how it will come about but I really want to make people more aware of domestic violence. It's not just physical abuse, there is so much more.
I am stronger today then I ever realized. I want to be able to help others and I know I can. I have been questioned and grilled and been made to feel like I am to blame. I have wanted to give up but I know that at the end of the day I am doing the next right thing. If I can keep going then I can help others. It's a long road and it's not easy to walk alone. I have been blessed to have the support I do but it only makes me aware that there are so many out there alone.
I am not sure how it will work or even what to do next. I just keep doing the next right thing. Writing this blog has been great for me and even though I don't have a huge following it's what I need. I am a writer and a social person. If one person hears my voice and it helps them that makes it all worth it.
If that person is you just know that no matter what you are not alone.

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