Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Success and Gratitude

    Sunday morning we go into church, not knowing what the pastor will preach about but knowing that we will walk out like we always do at the same time. Our expectation of a Sunday morning may be different from person to person. This Sunday morning when I walked into church I was not expecting what I got.  Pastor has been preaching in worship and I was determined to give it my all. The strangest thing happened and my voice went out. It hurt to sing so I was forced to stand there and praise God without the song. 
   I found that I had something else entirely to say. The last week I have heard the word gratitude and I realized how blessed I am. I have am completely blessed and I have so much to be thankful for.  10 months ago I would not have expected to be in this place in my life. I had a totally different vision for my life. 
    God has just been so gracious to me and given me a wonderful job, a wonderful home to share with my 2 children and even though we don't have everything that we used to have we have so much.
We all strive for that word success. I looked at my life and thought for the first time in my life that I was successful. I have so much going for me. I realize that I did not get here on my own and I have people to thank who continue to help me and make me successful. 
    My parents, without them I do not know what I would do. They take care of my two precious children without asking for much in return. They are the best parents that a girl could ask for and they fill a role in my kids lives that I never can. They have been an amazing support after all that I put them through.
    My church family, to list all the names would be too many to count. I have received such support from my church that I thank God for them. I have had a number of people who have been gracious enough to offer help anytime I need it. They have seen me through some of my worst days and have watched me grow into the woman I am today. I know many prayers have gone up for me and I am grateful for each one of them.
    My brothers and sisters, each of you have played a special role in my life in the past 10 months. There were times when I didn't know where I was going and with all of you to support me it has made life a little easier to bear. Thank you for all your words of support, all of your love, all of your care. I appreciate the family that we have and know that as we grow our family will be strong. 
    And since I can not name everyone the last person is my BFF. I should be to old to use that term but it applies. One of my oldest and dearest friends, Jenny. You have been such a rock for me. We have both been through our trials but we are both here at this place for such a time as this. You and your entire family have been wonderful to me and I cannot say thank you enough.
   So my success is all about the people who have helped bring me to where I am today. I feel like I have so much. I am blessed. God has truly taken the mess of my life and made something beautiful and to Him I am forever grateful.

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