Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Seasons of life

The people we meet often stay with us for only a little while and then we move on. I have had the experience of meeting a lovely woman who changed my life. She has been through so much in her life but continues to stay strong. She says that she is glad to know me but I think the opposite is true, I am blessed to know her. She has such a sweet, gentle personality and takes it all in stride.
I have had the pleasure of knowing some great women in my short life and she is one of them. It's funny when you meet someone who touches your life is such a way you can't help but feel blessed. I could not say how much she has touched my life because it cannot be put in words.
There are only so many people that we meet along the way that have a lifetime impact on us. The ones that do change the way that we look at life. The time in life you meet someone makes a difference. There are so many women out there who have gone through more than I have. Their life stories are amazing to hear. If we listen and understand it can bring such enrichment to our lives.
The hard part of life is that we all must say good-bye sometime. There have only been a few in my life that I have had to say good-bye to. As I get older it seems that it is something we must face. The important thing is that we don't stop making friends and caring just when someone gets older. The older they are the more they have to share. We all have friends for a season and even if the season is at the end of life it is worth it. The love, the faith, the knowledge they share makes it all worth it, even if only for a little while.

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