Tuesday, May 31, 2011

They will rise and call her blessed

Why must we fill our lives with so much busyness? We run around trying to accomplish everything so we end up accomplishing nothing.  What do we accomplish? I would push myself so hard to do everything I felt was required of me that at the end of the day I was tired. I didn't have time for things that mattered most. So where do I stand today? I have learned to get my priorities straight.
As a single mom I have things that I have to do, going to work is a priority, it's how I take care of my children. I love my church and God has placed me in a ministry that I love but I know that I don't have to be there every time the doors are open. School is important and it will me and my children in the future but it takes a back seat.
I am learning to be a better mom. It's not easy to be a mom and it is not something that happens the day you give birth. It's a process, the love and sacrifice is there but there is so much more. I have been to the end of my rope with my dear children. I have been pushed, pulled and tugged in every direction. I have been used as a playground, a pillow, a towel, a bowl and a kleenex. It's tiresome, exhausting and some days gross. Even through all that I love my children.
God has been opening my eyes to some truths about being a mom. I know that I had good parents and they did the best they knew how and that is how each parent is. I am realizing after all I have been through what matters most. No one can raise perfect children you can only do the best that you know how.
I love my children, each one of them is different and I have to show them love the way they need it. As an adult we don't want to be screamed at when we do something wrong. Why would a child be any different? At the same time parents need to help refine the character of their children and teach them about consequences of actions. If parents don't teach them then God does and it hurts worse.
I am watching a series called Parenting is a Ministry and it's so true. There is so much more to having children than just making sure they behave. It is about teaching them morals, self control and faith that will see them through their lifetime.

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