Friday, December 14, 2012

We weep

Today is a sad day for our country and for humanity, all because of the actions one person took. It's December 14th, eleven days left to Christmas, many of the presents bought and awaiting wrapping, some even under the tree. Parents will go home tonight to a house devoid of merriment, presents for children that will never be opened. I'm thousands of miles away and it rocked my world, perhaps because of my 2nd grader in the other room.
We have seen pain and death with numbers much larger than this, it's not merely the number of deaths but the number of years. Lives cut short, their last moments a bitter end. There is no sense in this all, there is no way to make it right, no words to take away the pain. The only thing we can do is fall to our knees and cry out. Cry; for the children taken so young, the innocent eyes that bore witness, the injustice of it all.
The question that rages in so many minds is where was God in all of this? Why did this tragedy have to happen at all? It's the age old debate of free will, if God knows what is going to happen why doesn't he stop it. I have loved and lost, I have cried out to God, why me? God gave us free will for us to make the choice to follow Him or walk our own path. I know what my life was like when I walked my own path, tried to make my own way and it didn't work for me.
My heart breaks for the parents who will never hold their child's hand again, who will never to get to hear their sweet voices. For all the hugs, kisses, laughter and love that will never be had, I cry. There is no fixing it, all I can do is send my prayers and tears up to heaven. Praying for the parents left behind, the children who lost a brother or sister, families of the teachers, and the children whose innocence was lost.
There are two songs that I turn to when things don't make sense, He Weeps by Fireflight and Held by Natalie Grant. We know that tragedy happens in this life and we are not promised tomorrow. Things that seemed so important yesterday are forgotten in the wake of realization. Life, family, and those we hold dear are more important than a couple hours of overtime or that thing I got to do. Hold your children tight, tell them that you love them, because we don't know what tomorrow brings.

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