Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Is there just "one"

If you know me well I may have asked you this question. Is there just one for everyone? The answers have been widely varied from person to person, single or married. The only conclusion I have is that no one knows the answer for sure. This being said we must draw our own conclusions. I have heard some say that yes, there is just one, you will know when you meet them, God will reveal it to you.
Then comes the issue, how do you know it's God and not your own head saying this is what I want? Being a single mom there is a double edge to this question. I know my ex was not the "one" but I married him and had two kids. I wouldn't be the person that I am today without those choices I had made, so this makes the question all the more confusing.
There is always the thought in the back of your head wondering, did I miss out on something great because I was focused on something not so great. Was I distracted by the person who was wrong for me and missed out on what was right? If I missed out on the right person then, how do I find them again? What if they growing tired of waiting themselves moved on to someone else. This one person for me is no longer available when I am, so will I be single all my life? That's a lot of pressure for any person.
I have heard all my life that God will lead me to the "right" one. The thing we often take from that is the one, we leave the word right out. I've heard many say that it's not a specific one but a personality that you get along with best, a number of one type of people. How do we know the answer without going crazy? If you have ever watched stuff Christian girls say you know it rings true. We are so obsessed with the "one." The "one" we should be worrying about is Jesus. The One who died for us, the One who loves us regardless of anything we have said or done. The One who will be there when people in our lives fail us, the money is gone, and things look grim.
I wish I had the answers, I wish the bible would pop open to the exact verse that tells me what the right way is, don't we all. There is no perfect answer because there is no perfect life. I can tell you one thing, those who are happily married believe their spouse is the "one" and that is enough.

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