Tuesday, October 1, 2013

It's my Birthday

It's the most wonderful time of the year...wait, no that's Christmas. It's the week of my birthday, and I plan to celebrate all week long, because I can. Today is the day that I look back over the last year, see where I've been and how far I've come. It's been an interesting year, things haven't gone exactly the way I planned but I just keep moving forward.
I had planned to be done with my novel by this summer but it doesn't seem to be happening. I try and write pages but there are only some days when it happens. That was my only real goal, but it doesn't seem to be happening. I've decided to give myself an extension, seeing that I'm the only one setting the deadline. One more year, I have until my 30th birthday to finish my novel. It didn't take a long time to write the beginning, it's been fitting all the pieces together that takes time.
I've considered giving up Facebook once more, to try and get away from the social media that sucks away from the more productive things in life. While I'm not leaving it completely my presence on it will be much less than it was.
The question is what is really important in life? My family, my friends, my church, these are the things that matter the most. I have goals for what I want to do in my life. This year I'm going to focus on these things. Giving my all to my family and being the mom my kids need. Being there for my friends and remembering that the joy of friendship makes the days worthwhile. Serving in the church, because my calling is to reach others for Christ, however God uses me.
This year I'm going to experience life, I want to go where I've never gone before. Show my kids things they have never experienced. I am going to write to my hearts content and more. I am going to enjoy the little things and make memories to last a lifetime. 

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