Friday, September 20, 2013

Think on these things

The past week has been difficult for me. I had to give up something in my life that was very dear to me. The reason I did it was because the choice came down to my stand with my faith. The other way would have been to blatantly disregard everything I know and have been taught. 
I read a quote by Roy Disney which said "It's not hard to make decisions if you know what your values are." It's not hard to know which decisions to make, it doesn't mean the decision will be easy. This choice I had to make affected my week greatly, it's not something I could quickly move past or forget. I've been continuing to dwell on the choice I had to make. 
Tuesday night I went to a service just for the ladies and it was about beautiful eyes. The verse is what struck me. Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. 
There is a reason to think on such things. Dwelling on hurt, pain, and sadness take away from the beautiful eyes. You can see in someone's eyes when they are hurting, regardless of what they are saying or even of there is a smile on their face. I've done this before, I've smiled through the pain, I've  laughed through the hurt. 
When you look at the verse Phil 4:8, the best thing to do is think on these things. I could spend my days thinking of all the bad I see, of all the wrong that has been done to me, instead I will smile. I will think of my children's joy of going to Disneyland, the excitement of dipping my toes into the ocean. I will think of how grateful I am for being here and taking each breath and the beauty of each sunrise. These are the things I will think on. 

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