Monday, October 21, 2013

What am I praying

Every night before they go to bed my kids gather around to say their bed time prayers. They pray for the day to go well and for mom and brother or sister. This is a routine we go through every night, every night their prayers are the same. There is a child like faith in their prayers, at the same time when they prayer they are merely reciting the same words that they know.
We offer up our prayers of petition and repetition. We pray the same things over and over again. Some things we are able to move on in life when we see them come to fruition. Other things we will end up praying time and time again. As a child we did our family devotions and my mom would tell us the prayer requests. We would go around and say our prayers and we would always pray for 3 specific people. Our prayers would change due to circumstance in life but for many years we prayed for the same 3 people over and over again. One of them I know her situation has not really changed, and it is not one where she will all of a sudden get better. It's been over 20 years since we started praying for her.
Our prayers reflect our hearts, and its obvious regardless of your walk with God that you can see it played out in your prayers. I try to do my prayers every day, and for me I write them. I've been told when you write things down the angels can run with it. I hope they run with my prayers. Being an avid journalist, and writing down the date every day I can see each day my prayers. They change from day to day, sometimes better then others. For a long time I would pray for my children and myself, only for things that would benefit me. I was gently reminded that prayer is not just our free stuff from God line. We pray for our own selfish needs expecting them to be answered, expecting what we want, when we want it. It's like God is our genie in a bottle, your prayer is my command. There is so much more to prayer, it is about bringing the needs of others before Him.
My prayers have started to change once more, to pray for those who can't benefit me in any way. For those who I may never know what will happen in their lives. I say this not to lift myself up or boast, but as a reminder for myself that I'm not the only one who needs prayer.
It's amazing when you let God do things in your life. I was having a bad time at the grocery store and I was in tears, which for me is rare. A woman came up to me and asked me if she could pray for me, she didn't know me at all, didn't know my faith or anything. I said yes, my personal opinion is to never turn down a prayer, ever! I will take, anywhere, anyhow, because I can use all the God help I can get. The woman prayed for me in the store and I was blessed and to this day I remember her simple act. A co-worker prayed for me and even though they were unaware of my situation, the words they said brought truth and healing in my life.
I'm grateful, for every prayer that has been said for me. Every heart that has ever gone to God on my behalf. For every tear that was shed over my future. Thank you to those who have prayed and lifted me up. I am only the person that I am today because of the grace of God and the prayers of others.

For help on how or what to pray click here

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