Monday, November 18, 2013

Hope for Humanity

I don't watch the news, and many people I have talked to feel the same way. Why watch the news when all we see is depressing and make us want to hide ourselves away from those around us. I hear enough every day to wonder what has become of community and neighbors. We drive around in cars and think that they are a buffer from us and consequences. Yelling at the driver that cut you off because he can't hear you doesn't mean he can't see you. Asking the neighbors to turn down the noise at a loud party isn't something we do anymore, you never know how they are going to react.
We are too afraid of what could happen, we don't know our neighbors, we are afraid that the man walking along the street will kill us if we let him in our car. Don't lie, we've all had that thought.
I remember the day when I used to run around the streets where I lived with the neighbor kids. We would go all through the area and we didn't worry. As long as we were home by dinner time we were fine. We rode our bikes, we played in the tree house, we weren't afraid of the neighbors, we knew who they were.
There are things going around the internet, stories of people in everyday life who do extraordinary things. The thing is all of these things are not so extraordinary, it's that it's rare. It gives up hope that not all of the world is headed for despair. With the Holiday season coming upon us, people seem to be in a much better mood. We see the world through rose colored glasses. That is until we are in a crowded shopping mall headed for that very last toy racing against the other mothers and fathers.
Can we live in a world with where there is peace and love all year long? Where we don't have to wait until Thanksgiving and Christmas to show the world around us that we care. I've never done anything worthy of the internet acts of kindness, but I would hope that my daily life would be kind no matter what. I will teach my kids to live in a way that is kind to others, and while I know that there are things we do to be safe, we have to remember we're all human. Showing kindness in every day life can go a long way.

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