Thursday, September 18, 2014

Words I say

Sometimes you have to write for no one other then yourself, for the words that spill out and over into your life. There are so many words we speak every single day. What words would you want to be on the epitaph of your life? What words do you want the world to see that you spoke? I know there are movies and even posters that remind us of all the words we have spoken, that each word counts.

I can tell you that no one is 100% proud of every single word they have spoken. I have spoken words to my kids that I would not like to repeat. Then again many of us have said things to our children that we don’t want repeated, or to our spouses, our parents, our friends. It’s not that you should regret the words you have spoken, or even promise to do better in the future. It’s about thinking of the words that you speak.

Sticks and stones may break our bones but words will never hurt us, the child’s chant seemed to ring true. It’s something that we even tell our children. Words can’t hurt you. Tell that to someone who has been verbally abused for years and they won’t agree. Words can hurt, words can heal, and words can be the difference between life and death. I am a person who speaks for a living. I take calls that mean life or death for some situations. The words that I convey make all the difference in their life at that moment.

What can we say then abut words, these powerful tools that we have been given, some know how to use them, some do not. Each and every person was given the gift and the chance of using words, be it spoken, written or signed. What do your words say about you? Do they show who you really are? I’ve heard the phrase over and over, “Actions speak louder than words.” I have to agree with it at some point, but your words reveal your heart. It’s not only what you say, it’s how you say it. It’s the words you use when you don’t need action. It’s the lack of words when action is needed.

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs4:23. Many people take that to be about getting involved with a boyfriend or girlfriend, but it’s more than that. It’s about everything that you do all the things that influence your life and your heart. What kind of words do I want said about me? What kind of words can I use to uplift those around me? I have many words that I can say, all of which are only a small sampling of what is running through my mind. My words that I leave I hope would be a legacy for my children and my grandchildren. That my heart would show in the words I leave. These words would say I was blessed with a gift, and I will use that gift to honor God.


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