Friday, October 3, 2014

Birthday Blog!!

It's the funniest thing, I love birthdays! Especially mine, who would have thought? This year is a milestone, one that most people look upon with dread. I'm actually quite excited for this birthday, for this new year that has come. I've been threatened with a headstone, a cemetery cake, and other items to mourn the passing of my 20's. For me it's different, I have waited for this year to come. I've been looking forward to this year with anticipation and joy.
I remember as a kid 30 was the ultimate goal, by the time I was 30 I was going to be a published author, because there is no way I could do that any later in life. I was almost disheartened when I thought about that goal. I don't have a book that has been widely published and backed by a large publishing house, that is true. I do have two books that I have self published and that have been read by more then just me.
When I was younger I was told by a dear aunt not to get married until after I turned 30. I didn't understand her advice then but promised her many times that I would listen and take her advice. Turns out I didn't and ended up divorced before 30, but at least I haven't gotten married again before 30. That's an accomplishment.
Last year at this time I was working on a novel and I was determined to finish it by my 30th birthday. That has not happened, which is one goal I wish I could have finished. It's still a work in progress as is my newest story which is the most unique one I have started thus far.
I had some goals last year to enjoy the time I have with my children and to make the most of life and enjoy. I have to say that I accomplished that, even though it's my 30th and I'm still living in my parents house it has given me a freedom to go places. I've been able to take my children places, to see and experience new things. I have given them memories that will last them a lifetime and moments I cherish.
This year is the best year of my life, it's full of endless possibility, limitless potential, and wonderful family and friends to share it with. Raise your glasses and cheer! This is going to be a great year!

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