Thursday, May 21, 2015

Life is Beautiful

Let me start this off by saying that I have the best boyfriend ever. While you can debate that yours is the best, mine wins for me. The only problem with having the best boyfriend ever is that it made me realize how bad things were before. It took me a while to realize I was realizing this.
I faced a lot of bad things in a short amount of time, at the time I didn't really know better. I had never been in a relationship before so I wasn't sure how things were supposed to work. The people I went to for advice were not the best examples. I thought my life was fairly normal. Then I left him, and I faced what a battle doing what was best for my children. Then being on my own as a single mother, facing the lonely nights and the inevitable questions from the kids, it wasn't easy. I always had God by my side and that and my children kept me going.
After spending time with my boyfriend and being in a relationship that is actually normal it made me realize how hard things were. It made me stop and think about all the things that I had been through that weren't normal, that weren't easy. I never took time to stop and grieve and hurt. I waited until after I had someone who said, it's okay, you don't have to handle it all, to break down.
I spent some time wallowing in my own hurt, without really realizing it. My boyfriend stood beside me, heard my cries, dealt with my emotional break downs and was still there for me. He continues to be there for me. He's been more to me then I could ever have hoped to have. He's been there for my kids, and supports me as a mom. He builds me up when I'm feeling down, and reminds my perfectionist self that I'm only human and that's okay.
Today I am very grateful for this wonderful man in my life and I just want to say thank you.

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