Thursday, March 12, 2015

It's not that bad

Taking sociology has been one of the best things I have done for myself. Now some may say that it is weird, but I enjoy my class immensly. It has actually taught me a lot about myself.
In Sociology Cowley talks about the looking glass self, which is the picture of yourself in the way that others perceive you. How do we perceive how others see us? Have you ever had that feeling that you are being judged? That there are people who look at you and what you do? I've been guilty of that myself and I didn't know there was actually a classification for it. These people that we try and live our lives according to their standards don't even know or care that we exist often times.
Why try so hard to please someone who at the end of the day doesn't care about you?
In a book, by Dr. Julie Holland she says that where we perceive ourselves socially has great bearing on our mood and how we feel about ourselves. The higher up the ladder we perceive ourselves the lower the amount of stress we feel. We put that stress on ourselves, at the same time, my sociology class says the higher up the ladder the less stress you have overall. The ladder however can't be the thing that decides how we live our lives.
I have been dealing with a large amount of stress in my life, from family, to work, and living arrangments. This year I decided to add school on top of everything else I have been doing, and I have to say it has made things better. Things really aren't that bad. Even though some things still get to me, I'm learning that it's not all that bad. It's even okay to be a bit moody sometimes, because God made me that way, because I am (gasp) a woman! It's okay to not be okay with everything and it's okay to cry sometimes.
We often forget that our emotions are a tool, they are not to be used to manipulate and get people to do what we want, but they are a tool to know ourselves. When you stuff down your emotions, pretend you don't hear that little voice inside it causes more harm then good. Is it time to make a change in life? Your emotions will tell you.
The most important thing to never forget is to always have a goal, a plan, and a purpose for your life. While it may not always work out the way we want, we have to remember that God always has a plan and a purpose for our  life. "For I know the plans I have for you' declares the Lord 'plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Moody Bitches by Dr. Julia Holland 

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