Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me.

It's the time of year when I write my birthday blog. I really can't say that I know where to start. This year has been one that I have enjoyed. I have had the opportunity to travel and go places I never thought I would. I went places I never knew existed. This year I have to say that I accomplished what I set out to do last year. I wanted to travel, wanted to show my kids the world and I have been able to do that. I'm not done traveling by any means, I think another trip is right around the corner.
Where am I now? I don't really know. I have goals that I have not met, but I'm working toward them. I'm less than a year away from getting my associates. It's a great feeling, to know that I'm that close to finishing a goal. Being in school hasn't been easy, it takes away time I could be spending with my family, and makes exercise a little harder. Even when I finish my associates it won't be over yet, the Bachelors degree takes a little longer.
A couple of years ago on my birthday I wrote about my goal to publish my novel, one that I never ended up finishing. It's a catch 22, I have self published 2 novels, so really I have met my goal of being a published author before turning 30. Now that I'm over 30, all of the goals I had as a kid have passed their time.  My childhood goals only went to before 30, after that life didn't exist.  Now that I'm here, there are new goals to set and life to accomplish. The goals now don't seem nearly as fun as they did when I was a kid.
My life goals consist of keeping my kids alive, and making sure they turn out somewhat normal. That's a big one, and while it's not as cool or popular as I kids think, it's a real thing in mom world. The other goal in my life is still to get my book published, my current book is amazing, and I can't wait to finish it. The only problem being the rest of my life taking time away from my writing. The irony of going to school to be able to do what I want to do, is that I have no time to do what I want to do.
It seems that even though my goals have changed from when I was younger, I wouldn't trade them. Things like maintaining a healthy life is not a popular goal when you are a kid, but now in order to live a healthy life it has to be. It seems like all of a sudden I've become an adult with adult goals. I've seen the post on Pinterest, "When you look for an adult but you are the adult" I didn't realize how true it was until now. I've stopped looking for the adult, I am the adult.
Whoever says you become an adult at 18 is a big fat liar. I didn't get good at this "adulating" thing until just recently. Even still I have my moments, but 13 years later I know what it's actually like to be an adult. 

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