Thursday, February 10, 2011

What is True Love

True Love, do we ever know when we have found it? Is it something that you know right away or is it something that happens over time? We all quest for that true love, the right one and how many of us find that? How do we know if we have not had true love at one time in our life and then let it go. Is it possible that we wasted time and energy on someone who took us away from our true love? 
I think back to my first crush and I wonder if I missed out on my chance. Just because it was my first crush doesn't mean it was true love. How can you find it? No one seems to have any answers for it. Some say they knew it right away, others say it was a friend they fell in love with.
We all know that true love can be found. 1 Corinthians 13 tells us that it's possible. We however are human and can't see the truth of what is in front of us. 
Valentines Day is coming up and the world focuses on love and happiness and two people being together. It's not an easy day to face. I just know that no matter what I won't be alone. I will hug and kiss my babies and enjoy every second that I have those two wonderful loves in my life.

1 comment:

  1. I am engaged to be married, and I will be married in September. I knew when I met Nick that he and I would end up getting married, and spending our lives together.

    Nick is my soulmate, and I know we will work out!
