Saturday, October 22, 2011

Love me for me

Okay, so I haven't written a blog in a while that is because my life has been a chaotic mess. I have learned my lesson and realize that I can only juggle so many things at once. I am writing this with about 30 minutes   to go before I leave for work, but I've needed to get this out there.
I have been feeling a little down about myself lately and I know that it's just an attack. My divorce will be final by the end of the month and I will be moving on with my life. It's that very moving on with my life that scares me. I look at myself in the mirror and start to sing the song, "Who will love me for me?" I'm not the same person that I was before. I am older, with two kids in tow, my body has been stretched and scarred, who would want that?
Then I stop the party and call my friends, my wonderful friends who remind me that I'm beautiful and not to brag. They tell me all the good things about me and what they see. It's difficult to see beyond ourselves and our own pity sometimes. That is what good friends are for, to listen, to correct, to be blunt when no one else will. The support of my friends and family is what has brought me this far.
Who wouldn't love me for me? I am amazing! I have been through hell and back, I have overcome, conquered and survived. I am beautiful, fun, and caring. I'm a great mom, a hard worker and a good friend.  Whoever does not love me for me is not worth my time.

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