Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Facebook is my best friend

It was a sad moment when I realized that Facebook had become my best friend. It had more of an influence in my life than I would like to admit. It wasn't until I took a step back and went a few days without it that I realized how deeply it had sucked me in. Don't get me wrong, Facebook is nice. I can communicate with my family that is out of state and see how they are doing. I have friends that I don't get to talk to on a regular basis but I still know how things are going in their life.
How did Facebook become my best friend? It starts out simply enough, you start to post a status here and there and before you know it you hear something funny or think of something and your first thought is to post it to Facebook. It used to be when you had something funny or interesting you would share it with your friends or family. If you were having a bad day you didn't post it as your status but called your best friend. When you call them you get that immediate feedback instead of going back to your Facebook every 15 minutes to see if someone commented on your post.
I often joked that as a single mom Facebook had become my social life. It wasn't funny anymore when I realized it was true. So I have decided to change my path, instead of spending all the time on Facebook I am going to spend my time getting to know my friends. I know each friend I have added and if you are my friend it's because I found value in your friendship. I don't add hundreds of people to have the numbers. So my pledge is to be a better friend and not just in cyberspace. I want to see people face to face. I want to have that real interaction instead of having to add :) to let people know what I am thinking. I want to be a real person not just words on a website.

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