Thursday, August 17, 2017

Happily Ever After

Once upon a time, I believed in fairy tales and thought they would come true. My journey through adulthood quickly taught me that there was more to life than fairy tales. Plus, if you ever really read a fairy tale, they are pretty messed up. The heroine dies or some evil befalls her, it isn't all happily ever after.  
Once upon a time I wrote a blog, a blog that was sure that there was no happily ever after. I can remember that I was sitting in my bedroom, in my parents house, a single mother with two kids, working full time in a job that was stressful to say the least. When I wrote that blog I was convinced that there was nothing in life to be completely happy about. I was convinced that even if you found someone, there was no happily ever after.
This blog is a retraction of that. I truly did not know how good life could be when you have the right people in it, and you have hope for your future. I have often lived by the verse Jeremiah 29:11, "for I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future," (NIV). It saw me through many hard times, but there was a while when I didn't see the hope in anything.
I have come a long way since then, and I am still working on me. My marriage to a wonderful man has not only given me a happily ever after, but reminded me that there is something to look forward to. Now I will tell you that marriage is not the answer to all of life's problems. There will still be disagreements and marriage is not a fix all. It is an amazing start to a wonderful journey.
I'm still in the newlywed phase. I can't help but stare at my ring finger and smile when I see the symbol of our commitment. I am excited about this new chapter in our lives and look forward to what tomorrow may bring. 

1 comment:

  1. Well said Amber! May your marriage be blessed with fun, adventure and Love! For many it's not easy to find that second chance at happily ever after and some never do. For those of us fortunate to do so it's a gift to find someone who can walk that path forward; side by Side!
