Monday, November 17, 2014

Life is Sweeter

I haven't written in a while, predominately because I haven't had anything good to say. I've been struggling with pain and depression. The depression mostly because of the pain. How can you be happy when all you have is pain that no one seems to know what's wrong or when it will end? I've had a hard time seeing past that. The good news is that I got a diagnoses...of all things I got shingles. Now if you've been around me and didn't know it, don't worry you can't catch it. I've been in pain for months and I don't know if this it is, but I've felt better then I have in a long time. 
I've got more energy, and even though I do get tired out at the end of the day I'm doing more then I have in a while. The simple things we take for granted, like doing laundry and cooking. 
It's hard to have a good attitude about things when your future is so unclear. I have started doing something about it. In January I will be starting school again and I couldn't be more excited. I have a goal in mind and while I don't know how far I will get I'm going to trust God and keep going forward. 
Yesterday in church my pastor said something that will stick with me. Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. It's not for when everything is going well, it's when things aren't. We want to give up but God gives us strength to see us through our darkest hour. 

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