Saturday, November 12, 2011

Living the Best life

There is a great debate on how we should live our lives. Some say that we all have a path in our life and we can't deviate from that. There is no good life, better life, or best life; there is only one option and wherever that option takes you that is what fate has left you with. I tend to disagree. We make choices each day that shape our life. These choices aren't always big choices but little ones that make up the character of your life.
Almost 3 years ago I made a choice that I wanted my life to be different. I knew that I wasn't living my best life. I was overweight and unhappy with myself and couldn't find that peace. I started making different choices, I made the decision that the weight needed to come off. I didn't do it on my own, I made it my prayer. I told God that I would let him use my weight loss as a witness to others. I always say be careful of what you pray for because you will get it. I lost over 90 pounds in 8 months. That's amazing by anyone's standards. It was a miracle in my life and I started to find my peace.
God has truly blessed me since that time and I now have a life that I enjoy. I have a great life. This is where the choices come in. I want to continue to have a great life. It's more than that, I want the best life that God has for me. The thing is the best life is not always the easiest. It's like taking a beat up old car when you could have had a Mercedes. We don't know what lies around the next corner, we don't know what is ahead of us. We can only see a part of the picture.
It could be because of what I've been through that this drives me. I was in a life that wasn't God's best or even good. I lived that beat up old car. I was blessed in it because regardless of our choices God will provide blessings in our life. I remember being 18 years old and making choices that I thought would give me an extraordinary life. With that being said maybe it's time to stop searching for that extraordinary life and just live. God can use my life no matter what choices I make. The only thing I can do is pray and take each step in faith, trusting that He will guide my life.

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