Thursday, November 29, 2012

The little things

      It's been a good two months since my last blog, so it has been a while. I've been lost in finding myself. Interesting thing it is, trying to find yourself seems like such an overused phrase. Why do you need to find yourself when you are yourself? I didn't really understand it myself until I needed to. The past four months have seen a change in my life, and I know it's not over yet.
      Since taking time off of school I have learned so much about myself and my children. The first thing I have learned is that even though I love going to school I don't miss it. The time I have been able to spend with my children has been amazing. I have found that I'm more crafty than I ever thought I could be, a better cook than I thought I would be, and less tired than I should be. My priorities have changed from getting good grades for me to helping my son get good grades. It makes me not want to leave them to go to work.
        I have an amazing time with my daughter and with my son, just enjoying them. Life is all about experiences but it's not about the ones that you have to pay for. It's about the little ones, like making paper chains and baking biscuits. I have learned so much about myself in these moments, I look to the way I grew up and think that some of the things my mom did weren't so crazy after all. I didn't think that I would end up baking biscuits much less cooking every night. I find myself enjoying it more and more. I used to be all about convenience and now I'm all about what is best. We don't need to spend a lot of money, go far away places, or do outrageous things, it's about spending time with the ones I love the most.

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