Saturday, June 22, 2013

What is your life saying?

What is it that I want my life to reflect? I hadn’t really thought of why exactly I do the things that I do until I had to explain why I do things a certain way. The truth is I am aware of what I put forward in my life. I try to show others the love of God in the way that I live. I do my best not to swear, even though I hear it, a lot. I watch what comes out of my mouth and what goes into it because I am that representation of Christ on earth.

I never thought about the way it affected others until recently. I have often heard the verse that we should not be a stumbling block to the others around us. Romans 14:13Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead make up your mind not to put any stumbling block of obstacle in the way of a brother or sister. 

My actions are my own, yes; I can choose what I do in my life and with my life. What I can’t do is decide how it affects someone else. Does that mean I live my life to please others? No, it means that I live my life to please God regardless of what others think. It means to be aware of how my life reflects Christ.

I had a moment at work when someone specifically called me out and said they didn’t want something too “Christiany.” I didn’t take any offense to the statement, in fact I was proud. It means that without me outright declaring to my co-workers what I believe in, they know. I’m not afraid to talk about my life, my church and what I do, however I won’t get into a biblical argument with you at work. I don’t usually talk about my faith but it’s enough that it’s known, and it’s because of my actions.

What is it that we are trying to portray? Do our lives truly reflect what we want others to see in our lives? I can only speak for myself, I know that I have days that I don’t. I’m not perfect, I get grumpy, I get fed up, and I get tired. It’s not easy always trying to do the right thing. I have often cried out to God, why am I doing this? The answer is always the same, because no matter how hard it is to follow God my life without it is a mess.

There is joy and peace when I turn my life over to God. I smile, I laugh, and I enjoy my life.  I have friends that I can count on, family who are beside me in whatever I do. My life is truly a blessing, and if I didn’t live the way I do I would be throwing away everything that God has done in my life. I live my life as a representation of Christ on earth, not because I’m perfect, not because I care what everyone else thinks of me. I live because I care what Christ thinks of me, because of everything He’s done in my life. My life is not my own, because it’s His, and that is how I live.

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