Tuesday, August 6, 2013

You can do better

The phrase "You can do better" has been ringing in my head the last week. I was going to write a blog about it but the power went out and I was not able to post it. The truth is it worked out better because I got a new perspective.
I was raised in a Christian home my entire life. I was the kid who was at every event, in Sunday school every week. I memorized books of the bible, could quote scripture and verse, listed the books in order. My entire life I was trained to be leader in the church. I was prayed over, spoken over and heard the heed to live a Godly life. I was expected to be someone and win lives for Christ.
Then life came about, my life was not what I expected it to be. I went away from the church and now I'm back and life isn't the same. I serve in the church and do my best to figure out the plan God has for my life, all the while feeling like I'm missing something.
I have a job that I love, my children are amazing, I have friends that make my life fun. What is it my life is missing? Am I searching for something that I will never achieve? Should I drop everything I'm doing and go into full time ministry? That's not the answer.
It's this idea that my life should be so much more when I should be content with my life. I have found I'm not the only one stuck in this thinking. Myself and others raised like me, drilled in the word of God, made to study hours and hours, now living lives that don't reflect our training.  It's this piece of missed potential, where life could be so much more than what it is. The feeling of loss is there, because what do we do with it? What is God's calling on my life?
Guess what? I've found that my life is following my calling. I'm not supposed to be out in some foreign mission field, I'm supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be right where I am. Working my job, day in day out, helping serve at my church, and writing my blog. I don't have to keep searching for this elusive calling that isn't there. I used to think people who weren't doing amazing things for God didn't really love God, I found I was wrong. People who live an everyday, ordinary life can live for Jesus just as much. It's not about being out there with the orphans in a third world country. It's about showing Jesus love in an everyday situation. God can use me wherever I'm at, and that is my calling.

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