Monday, September 2, 2013

Fake Friends

Have you ever had a group of friends that you hang out with but you know they don't really know you? I was thinking about the different people in my life and how each pertain to my life. I have an amazing group of friends and if you are reading this you know who you are. There are different friends we have in life, some friends are the good friends, one who know you and want what is best for your life. There are other friends who mean well but don't know you well enough to know what is right for your life. Then there are those who are acquaintances, they don't know you, they don't even have to mean well because they barely know you.
I spent a lot of my young life trying to please those who didn't really know me, those who didn't want what was best for my life. I tried to fit into a crowd that I was never really part of. What it ended up doing was isolating myself from people who really cared. They didn't know what was best for my life and I ended up with hurt feelings.
When you see me I have things all together, I look great on the outside and am a happy person for the most part. What people don't see is the insecurities. Most of us have them, even if we won't admit to them. We worry about what other people will think, we don't want to be judged, even though we judge others. If you aren't worried about others then you may be the one judging. I have yet to meet a person who doesn't care at all. 
Why do we put ourselves to the standards of people who don't know us? We want to fit in and look just right, but the truth is we don't have to be in the popular crowd. We don't have to fit in with the "Pretty" crowd. I was told when I was 15 that I would turn out like my parents and my sister. The person who said that didn't really know me. The other issue was that I didn't realize at the time it would be just fine to turn out like them. I didn't want to be like them, so I fought against it. I did whatever I could to not be like them. My life turned out to be a mess, if I had decided to live my own life instead of fighting against turning into my parents it wouldn't be so bad. 
The trick to friends are finding people who care about you no matter what. True friends will be honest with you even when you don't want to hear it. They will tell you what you need to know, what will make better. They will never tear you down without lifting you back up. A true friend will uplift you, support you, correct you, listen to your whining and you will do the same thing back. Find good friends that will be there for you and your life will be 100 times richer. Don't live your life trying to please friends who aren't true. 
Proverbs 18:24 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. NIV.

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