Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Love is...

I am a writer, so my constant effort is to write something that will be remembered, something that will stick in people's minds. My blogs that I write are not only an effort to find healing and tell my story but it's my writing outlet. I have novels that I have been working on but I'm currently facing a severe case of writers block. My intention tonight was to work on that novel, but it sits next to me with pages yet to be written.
I was told by a friend that their favorite line that I had written was one that was written about food. Mind you this was not a line that was written about a nutritious healthy food, in fact the line goes like this "They are cholesterol filled, carb ridden, tasty tools of destruction." This sentence is what is being remembered. My rebuttal is that there are better lines that I have written and even been used as a Facebook status. So instead of writing a completely new blog, as half of it is, I'm pulling out the old. This blog comes to you, courtesy of me, circa 2010. If you had me on Facebook way back when I used to write my blog from there. I was in a place of questioning who I was after being in a place that I didn't understand, but from it came one of my most quotable lines. Ladies and Gentlemen for your reading pleasure,  I bring you.....

Love is

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Is it possible to miss something that you have never had? It seems like everywhere we go people are all talking about love and finding the one true love. Romance movies make it seem like it is the only thing in the world that matters. It is important there is no denying that. That is why man and woman were created to be there for each other, to be companion and friend. It seems that it has been twisted all around, it is no longer about the true love but about the desire of the moment.

True love protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres, it's patient and kind. How can we be so easily misled to believe that a lifelong companion can skip all those things. Love protects, it protects your good name, reputation, feelings and your heart. Love would not call you names or compromise you. Love trusts, the decisions that you make even if it does not agree love supports you. Love hopes, that even though things are bad it's going to get better. Love perseveres, there is no throwing in the towel, there is no giving up, it is stubborn that way. 

Love is patient, it can wait and it will wait. Regardless of your age it will wait, there is no rush. Love is kind, it takes into consideration your feelings and listens to your thoughts. It does not inflict intentional pain, physically, emotionally or mentally. 

This oh so great and splendid thing that love is shown to be on TV is only part of it. True love gives more of itself than expects of others. You cannot create love when there is none. It is not something that a person can switch on or off. It is a constant state of mind and heart.

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