Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Giving it up for God

My last blog was about confession, so we know that there are things in our life that we need to get out. The next thing is doing something about it. That is where things get harder and you have to do more then just speak it, you have to take action. I knew that God was calling me to give up something in my life. I didn't want to, it wasn't something I wanted to give up. There are times when you can go about your life trying to ignore what God has to say, but what it does only ends up in further heartbreak and pain.
I've been in a position before where I didn't listen to God's voice and I ended up in a relationship that took me 7 years of pain away from God. It ended very poorly, except for the fact that I got two beautiful children out of it and a lifetime of experience. I knew before I started the relationship that there were signs, I knew things would not end well. I pursued it because I was looking for a relationship and thought that I knew better.
This time around I'm older and wiser, I have spent the last 3 years pursuing what God has for my life and I can tell you I'm no closer today to having all the answers then I was 3 years ago. I just keep doing the next right thing. The next right thing isn't always the easy thing and we all know that. I have to listen to what God is calling me to do, it's living a life that reflects His love.
I had to give over to God what I can't control, which is a lot of things, but it was one thing in particular. I don't have any control over the situation and I don't know where it will go, so I gave it completely up to God. I wanted to keep it close, but the closer I kept it the more it caused me pain. I struggled with going against what God wants for my life and it only brought pain. I'm not perfect and I have never claimed to be, I struggle just like everyone else.
I have heard the verse over and over again, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9 NIV. I know this verse very well and I have times where I get tired. I told my friend I'm tired of being good. The problem is when we give in to our flesh and live only our feelings we make decisions that affect our lives and bring a wall in our relationship with Christ.
I don't want that wall with Christ, my life is no good without God. I've been down that road before and I won't go there again. What do I do now? I gave it over to God, and where do I stand? I'm not sure I stand trying to see the bigger picture and all I have is a puzzle piece and it's not even a corner piece. I'm not sure what the picture is, but I know that I want to continue to reach others for Christ, however it is I can do that. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Run and finish the race in the Lord well! Hugs
