Monday, December 9, 2013

What's your potential?

Potential, we all have it, some of us have it more so then others. We have potential of what we could be or who we could become. A persons potential depends on them, some have the potential to be very smart people. They have the potential to be the next Albert Einstein. There are those with music potential, to be a singer, or instrumentalist. There are those who have potential to be a great writer, or speaker.
We look at potential in the people we have relationships with. We want to see what they can become and what they will become. We see what they will become, and how that will fit into our lives. The question is when we do we give up on the potential? I have heard it said "I saw his potential and knew that someday things would be great," "he has a good heart," "it's a phase, it will pass." Are these lies that we tell ourselves? How much do we really want to wait for a person's great potential, what are we living with in the meantime? Does his good heart change his actions?
As a single mother I over analyze the people I spend my time with. I worry about the influences that come into my children's lives. I want them to have people in their lives who will enrich it. I can't wait for a person to grow into their potential. I can't spend my time with someone who has a good heart but actions say otherwise. I don't have the luxury of spending time with someone who has potential but doesn't put it to use. At the same time I must ask myself about my potential. I have potential to do many things, but am I doing them? Will I do them or will I sit on the cusp of potential never quite reaching it.
I can see in myself the potential to be a great writer. The thing is I keep on writing, and I am a good writer. The problem is if I don't keep writing I won't accomplish anything. I have my books that I have written and published, but it's been 10 years since I have written anything completely new. Word by agonizing word I keep writing.
I hope to live up to my potential, I hope for my children to live up to their potential. There are seminars and books about living up to your potential. If we live a perfect life, which does not exist then each of us may live up to our potential. There are things that we can do that help us fulfill our potential. One of them for me is to spend less time on social media and more time with a pen and paper. Another is reading more instead of watching TV. These things I do for myself I encourage for my children, I see potential in them, not quite sure what it is but they are a blank slate and I want them to fill it. 

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