Sunday, May 11, 2014

Single Mothers Day

Today is a day where mothers everywhere are celebrated, They are getting breakfast in bed and getting taken out to dinner and enjoying their day. It’s a wonderful day of hugs and joyful celebration. This is all a wonderful day but for the single mom it ends up pretty different.

The morning is like any other morning, depending on the age of the kids depends on if they try to make some semblence of breakfast. Dinner is paid for out of your own pocket, and even that depends on the budget of the month. You look at your kids and you are so thankful to have them. Glad for each moment of every day that you get to sepnd with them. They are after all the reason you are a mother, but today, just for one day you wish that someone would take care of you.

It’s a selfish thought and maybe not one that all of us would admit to. I am going to admit it for the sake of my own sanity. I have a lot of help with my kids and my parents are amazing, but there is a feeling that you can’t shake or even want to of responsibility. As a parent we all feel that responsibility towards our children, knowing that they are ours to take care of, even if we are working or they are with a babysitter, whatever the case. I worry about my children every day, and if I’m not with them I feel like I should be. It’s hard to let go of that, and when you don’t have their father in the picture or he is in the picture and not the support you need, you understand.

This mothers day I was kind of dreading, I’m spending my day at work and it’s not really a speical day, because it’s just like every other day. There is a reason that we aren’t supposed to be alone, reaising children is hard to do alone. The stress of it on just one person can make you go crazy. When it comes to singleness my children don’t have a father, or at least that is what my son has told me. Our family is just me and them, and we are okay with it.

For all the single mothers out there, this is for you. You are doing a great job, no matter what anyone else says. Keep on going strong and remember that your children are your legacy. For some of them you are all that they have, don’t forget the moment, the decision that lead you to where you are today. Being a mother is a blessing, I truly consider each of my children a gift from God. He saw fit to put these two precious lives into my hands, and I will do all that I can to make sure that they are loved, that they are raised in faith, and they have a strong foundation. 

Her children arise and call her blessed; (Proverbs 31:28 NIV)


1 comment:

  1. The fatigue, frustration and worry; all the weight that sits on a single mom's shoulders, is part of the gift that comes with the priviledge. The lonliness of it though; always on the helm with no partner, must surely be hardest of all. When your children grow up Amber, and speak of their mom, your rewards will come.
