Wednesday, April 30, 2014

100th BLOG!!!!

This blog should be one of celebration and that has amazing things to say. I have nothing amazing to say on this day. I don't have a whole lot of great things to say at all. I try to keep my blogs upbeat and I write when something hits me that needs to be said, something that if I don't speak up I will burst. There hasn't been much for me lately and I've purposely stayed away from my computer the last week, because my heart hurts.
I've had only one relationship since my divorce, and it ended last week. To see the two of us it would seem that things were perfect, and it was a wonderful relationship. It nearly was. He was kind and sweet and out of the pages of a book. Even at the very end he was a true gentleman. It would have been amazing, except the thing that couldn't be changed.
Today I feel like I may remain single for the rest of my life. It's not that I don't want to have a relationship, but looking at my life and the way things work it seems like it's the easiest thing to do. The great writers, Jane Austen and Louisa May Alcott ended their days alone, I dare say they would not have been as great of writers if they had gotten married. Am I destined to be alone to follow the call of the pen? Or perhaps my day to shine as a writer has just not come yet, maybe with time and a little more life experience the words will flow.
I was once told by a mentor of mine that I was set apart. It's not an easy thing to hear when you see people around you doing what they want to do, enjoying life without second thought. There are days that I wish my life was that easy. The purpose of this is not to say that I'm better than anyone, because I know that I'm not and my clearly human flaws are evident. The whole premise of being "set apart" is because of what I know, and what God has brought me through in my life.
I survived my marriage, but just barely. The girl who came out of it was quiet and scared, and had learned not to trust anyone. I was being overtaken by the pain and if it continued much longer I can't say that I would have survived. God brought me through it, and not only did I survive, I thrived. The woman that I am today is not afraid to speak up, not afraid of what people can do, because I know God can do bigger.
Being "set apart" means more then just not following the crowd, I've never been one to follow the crowd and sometimes that has lead to problems for me. Set apart means to follow God, even if everyone else thinks it's all fine and dandy, doesn't mean it's right for me. I can't do what I feel in my heart is wrong, because at the end of the day I'm the one who has to stand before God and justify my actions, not anyone else's.
This isn't out of my own strength that I am able to hear what God has to say and listen. It's not because I'm so great of a Christian. The only thing I can attribute it to is knowing His word, there are so many people that will tell you what to do. There are tons of books on what God wants you to do with your life, how to live a godly life. When it comes down to it, there is only 1 book that you need to read, over and over again, until you get the picture, it's the Bible. When you are in it, the question of what do I do with my life doesn't exist. You know what to do with your life.
For a little while I got lost, I felt confused and I doubted what God wanted to do in my life. This great thing happened and I found myself in His word. I know what to do with my life, and right now it's to seek after God. To continue to be of service where I can, to live a life that reflects His love to others, and keep writing. 

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