Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I want to get away

I decided to take a vacation, a much needed vacation. I knew I needed a vacation for some time just to get away from all the things in my life. It's not that I don't like my life, however we all have those times where we are stressed and things seem to be overwhelming and we just need to get away. That was what I needed. I decided I was going on Friday and went for an overnight stay on Monday. It wasn't very far, it wasn't extremely fancy or expensive, but it was peaceful and quiet and pretty. 
I left behind my children, my work, my worries and just let the day take me where it may. I have to say that I enjoyed every minute of it. In this 24 hour get away I found peace and solace that I hadn't been able to grasp. I dearly love my children but the 6 am wake  up calls every morning are tiresome. The ability to sleep until my body said wake up was in itself it's own vacation. 
During my short vacation I relaxed and enjoyed the peace and solitude. There is something to be said for having the time alone with yourself. It's not something I see often or really much at all in my busy house. It was a moment worth cherishing. Nothing about my situation changed, I didn't suddenly lose all of the stress that was going on in my life, but I was able to stop, and just breathe. I took every minute of this vacation as a vacation and remembered to enjoy it. Perhaps it was for that reason when I got into my car and headed home that I felt refreshed, even though I was sick. 
Laying on the bed of my hotel with a beautiful view of a courtyard fountain I wrote and reflected. My character of my story facing some of the similar things that I am. She is a woman who has been hurt and been through pain, but can't let the pain over take her. There is always going to be something in life that brings us pain, something that is going to be a lot for us to handle. Trust me, I can say from personal experience that there are things that I thought would truly break me, and I made it through. Even now the things I'm going through in life aren't as bad as what I've been through. It took that time for me to see that. These things are only temporary, it will pass and things will get better. 
As I write this I'm in my room at home surrounded by the few of my possessions that have not been put into storage. I feel like my life is in a backpack right now, but I know that this will change. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and nothing stays the same forever. It's all about perspective, how we choose to see our situation. Things are hard, they aren't as hard as they were, they may get hard again, but it's about continuing to push on. The thing is it's okay to get away, it's needed. I came back refreshed, ready to be a better mom, better friend, better employee. It's amazing what a little time out can do. 

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